The Division Committee of Chairs provides a forum for information exchange between Division Council and Technical Committee Chairs. It is primarily responsible for developing and maintaining a long-range plan for the Division that will close the “gap” between the current and desired Division’s profile. The Engineering Division Council, acting as an executive committee, assists the Division Chair in the conduct of the Division’s business and maintaining continuity through changes in Division leadership.
last person joined 3 years ago
The Energy Subcommittee is one of four subcommittees of the Energy, Recovery and Recaust Committee. The objective of the Energy Subcommittee is to develop and disseminate information relating to design, application, and operations in the following areas:• Power generation drive equipment and auxiliary drives, the economic and technical aspects of energy procurement and sales, including fuels, electric power and heat.• Energy policies affecting price and availability.• Power plant conceptual thermal cycle design and integration.• Economical and effective energy management technology for pulp and paper mill systems, which use heat and power, including steam and condensate systems and energy consumption management.
last person joined 3 months ago
This committee provides a forum to collect information and disseminate the information as a guideline for energy management, sharing ideas on conserving energy, and/or increasing efficiency. We publish TIPs for public review (e.g. TIP 0416-24). We focus on Pulp and Paper mills and power plants in areas of energy management and energy consumption including electrical, steam, condensate and efficient heat exchange.
The Environmental & Sustainability Working Group primarily focuses on the interrelationship of pulp and paper and related industries operations and the environment with emphasis on air and water resources, solid waste disposal and sustainability. The purpose of this program is to actively promote the pursuit of and set forth a program around environmental control as it relates to the pulp, paper, and allied industries. Our goals are to:• Collect and disseminate technical information and technology updates • Promote professional growth and competence in the environmental issues• Enable employers to address environmental issues of the industry and Mills
The committee will focus on the design and operation of kilns and recausticizing equipment in the pulp and paper industry. The goal will be to identify critical needs and develop pathways to increase understanding in key areas to help the industry to meet its goals in manufacturing efficiency and productivity. The committee will promote ongoing collaboration and alignment of industry owners and operators, equipment suppliers, and research organizations.
Mission Plant Engineering and Project Management Committee works to share knowledge and provide solutions for the industry relative to all aspects of maintenance, reliability, corrosion and materials engineering, plant engineering and project management.Vision To inspire and implement engineering solutions to advance the production of paper and related products for the benefit of society.Goal To provide a forum for paper industry professionals to exchange information, knowledge, best practices, and experience relative to the management, engineering, construction, maintenance and operation of rotating and fixed equipment in Pulp & Paper manufacturing facilities.
Recovery and Power Boiler Subcommittee
last person joined 2 years ago
Water Treatment