
Dr. Emily Cranston

University of British Columbia

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University of British Columbia


My research group at McMaster University (the Sustainable Nano Biocomposites Group) aims to design high-performance materials to replace those that are based on non-renewable resources by learning from nature and using biological components.

Currently, the bio-component of choice is nanocellulose (both nanocrystals of cellulose and nanofibres of cellulose). Specifically, this work includes investigating and modifying interfacial properties between nanocomposite components and encompasses disciplines such as polymer and surface chemistry, nanotribology, and pulp and paper science.

Specialties: Nanocomposite materials,
Nanocrystalline cellulose and nanofibrillated cellulose,
Organic thin films/coatings,
Biomimetic self-assembled monolayers,
Mechanical testing of nanomaterials,
Cellulose foams/gels/pickering emulsions,
AFM: imaging and surface forces, adhesion, and friction,
Adsorption mesurements by QCM-D, SPR and ellipsometry,

Job History

McMaster University
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at McMaster University
July 2016 - present

McMaster University
Associate Member, Department of Chemistry
July 2015 - present