Advanced Bonding

Starts:  Oct 13, 2019 08:00 (MT)
Ends:  Oct 14, 2019 17:00 (MT)
Associated with  Corrugated Packaging

It’s All About the Bond. 

As a corrugated professional, you know that the quality and performance of the adhesive bond is essential. There are many issues in the industry today such as the loss of skill sets due to attrition; operators knowing what to do, but not why; the difficulty of attracting youth to our industry; no time for senior staff to properly train the newest recruits; and staff struggling to find solutions when problems arise.

The 2019 TAPPI Advanced Bonding Course is designed to increase students' knowledge of the entire corrugated bonding process. Everything is addressed with a focus on developing a better understanding of the daily challenges faced. All topics are discussed at a level that appeals to beginners, as well as seasoned veterans. 


Kristi Ledbetter